Keep Your
PageSpeed 90+

Simple PageSpeed monitoring.
No registration required.

We monitor this website for you.
We use this email to notify you about performance issues.
No spam, cancel anytime.

interface-time-reset Real-time monitoring

We continuously check your page performance to ensure that you have the most accurate and up-to-date information.
Act before your SEO dives or your customers complain.

interface-file-clipboard-delete No registration required

All we need is an email address to send you a magic link. No passwords, no hassle. No spam, cancel anytime.

mail-sign-at Email notifications

Relax and take care of your business. We let you know once the PageSpeed drops below 90, which might affect SEO and user experience.

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3 Steps

Real-time, dead simple and free

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interface-validation-check-square-1 Simple setup

Provide a URL and an email.

interface-validation-check-square-1 Straightforward monitoring

Your PageSpeed is measured and monitored.

interface-validation-check-square-1 Sit back

Get notified when the PageSpeed drops below 90.

Frequently asked questions

Page speed is important because it can affect a user's experience on the website and their likelihood to return. It can also impact search engine rankings and the overall success of a business.
PageSpeed is an important part of the Google Web Vitals.